Intro Blog
My name is Ashley Antoine. I am 16 years old. I am from Broward County, Florida. My favorite color is pink because the color is very nice to me. My parents and family are from the islands. I have one sibling who is currently in the 9th grade. I attend Fort Lauderdale High School and I am currently a junior. I also am in the band at my school, specifically a majorette. I have always enjoyed dancing ever since I was little. My birthday is March 4th which makes me a Pisces. On my free time I enjoy dancing, sleeping, spending time with family and watching television series. A main favorite show of mine would have to be Grey's Anatomy, this show never fails to amaze me. When I am older I plan on being in the medical field preferably nursing. I would say my best subject in school is math. I currently have a job and although it is a bit challenging, it is worth it. I've always been someone to be in honors or high-leveled classes and I plan to keep it that way. I would consider myself being a more independent person and there are benefits to being independent too. Success has always been something major for me in my lifetime. I try to push myself harder everyday even when things get hard but for the most part once you have the motivation everything should be a piece of cake. I would say I am a caring person with a lot of responsibilities especially for the age I am at right now.
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