Genre Research: Drama
The first genre that could be a choice is Drama. Drama is a fiction represented in a film, play, television,etc. Some common camera angles used is close up which emphasizes the facial expressions, extreme close up and medium shot. Common mis en scence would be the decor, the costumes and props and body language. Jump cut is mainly a common editing aspect in the drama world.
Malcolm and Marie, Selena, After, The Hate U Give and My Girl are all movies/films that are in the drama genre. Some elements of drama that I do enjoy would be the characters and relationships included in it, the situation which I feel like is the most important factor as the audience watching would be pulled in with their interest. Just alone if I use drama as a genre in my film, I would be most interested in putting it together situation wise. What does not appeal to me would have to be the language and texts I would have to put into thought that would exercise the whole drama concept.
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