Genre Research: Mystery
The third and final genre is Mystery. Mystery is a literary genre where the nature of the film is typically a situation that needs to be solved. A mystery in a way can be a thriller as well. Bird eye view, tilted angle, point of view shots and over the shoulder shots are all camera angles that are used in the mystery genre. Low lighting, dark props and urban setting are all mis en scence factors. The mystery genre is also involved around the fast paced editing similarly to thriller. Jump cut and parallel are commonly used editing techniques for this genre. Suspenseful music is used for this genre as well.
The Night Clerk, Death Note, Secret Obsession and Spiral are mysterious movies/films. The elements of this genre I like would have to be the intense feeling an audience would have watching a mysterious film and the connections all in the end. I do not believe I have anything that I dislike in this genre because everything is interesting to me.
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