
Showing posts from April, 2022

Creative Critical Reflection


Treachery Film

 This is my individual project that I have been working on. To me, it was simple and not too complicated. I did not have much problems completing it as well. I pushed towards the finish line without giving up. This 2 minute film does not have much of a complicated story towards it. It is about a trio friendship; two of the friends are closer and one of them holds a serious grudge against the "left out" friend that she is unaware of. In a way it leaves the film on a cliff hanger wanting the viewer to know what else is to come. This topic was easy and many people can relate to it today as it is a film to teach a lesson and help others watch their surroundings. Hence the "mysterious" theme. 

Sometimes we forget..

  Not too long ago right before I began filming, somethings were changed in the events of things. The location was changed from a bedroom to the park instead. I felt like it would be more visual and more entertaining to watch instead of just being in a bedroom. The day I recorded at the park was a nice relaxing and fun day, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping and the weather was just beautiful. 

Just a Little more to go!

I can finally say this is my last day of filming. I am proud of accomplishing as much as I accomplished now. Today I went to the park with my friend and my cousin to finish filming. We had to have several retakes of course because we can be a goofy bunch. I picked up my friend and my cousin to head to the park, began filming and go out of there in less than 2 hours. Afterwards, we grabbed something to eat as we hadn't eaten anything all day and we spoke about the film and how it's going to be put together.

Film Review

 Okay so far everything has been slowly but surely going well. I am near the finish line with my film and I am proud to say it has not been that difficult of a ride. My film overall I feel like is simple and does not take much to put together.