The second genre is Thriller. Thriller is a fiction that is held by a high degree of intrigue and suspense. Thriller is the type of genre that will have you on edge majority of the film. Common camera angles that are used in thriller would be close up, birds eye view, low angle and panning shots that create the psychological mood for the audience. Popular mis en scences would be the makeup, settings like a dark, scary place and lighting. For instance in the makeup, most of the time is something on edge is occurring, the makeup would be smeared to create the fear on the characters face. Thriller films use fast paced editing like a quick cut or flashback to create that tension. A screaming sound is used in thriller films and even footsteps, wind, mainly diegetic sounds that matches the setting at the time. The Woman in the Window, Countdown, Escape Room, IT and Annabelle are all examples of thriller movies. The elements of thriller that interests me would have to be the cliffhangers...